Description: Neighborhood Mobility Areas (NMAs) are areas that focus on creating, improving, restoring and enhancing safe and convenient connections to schools, hospitals, shopping, services, places of worship, parks, greenways and other destinations. SCAG uses four empirical measures in its initial identification of NMAs: 1) Intersection density, 2) Low-speed streets, 3) Land use entropy (mixing), and 4) Accessibility to amenities within 1-mile using street network distances. In order to weight these four measures equally, each was converted to a z-score at the TAZ-level. A z-score of zero indicates that a TAZ is at the regional average for that measure – positive scores reflect above-average TAZs, and negative scores reflect below average TAZs. A composite score was developed for each TAZ by summarizing the z-scores for all four measures. Based on the results of this process, SCAG took the top 25 percent performing TAZs and identified them as NMAs, to reflect the “top one-fourth” of the region for neighborhood mobility. These preliminary NMAs were then provided to local jurisdictions for review and refinement.Field Description/Field Values Description:COUNTY – County the jurisdiction is located inCOUNTY_ID – County ID the jurisdiction is located inCITY – Jurisdiction nameCITY_ID – Jurisdiction ID numberTIER2 – Tier2 Transportation Analysis ZoneCT2 – City Tier 2 Transportation Analysis Zone