Description: This layer identifies Neighborhood Mobility Areas (NMA) in the region using the attribute Sum_Zscore as the operative attribute. The Tier 2 TAZs in this layer that have a numerical value of the attribute Sum_Zscore at or above the 80th percentile were NMAs for the purpose of Connect SoCal. The attributes in the file Int_Zscore, L_speed_Zs, Luent_Zsco, and Dist_Sum_Z were summed to create the attribute Sum_Zscore.
Service Item Id: a427ed1b6cdd452e87e8c47ba5bba86d
Copyright Text: Joseph Cryer, Kevin Kane, Ariel Pepper
Description: Data Source: The primary data source used for this analysis are point-level business establishment data from InfoUSA. This commercial database produced by InfoGroup provides a comprehensive list of businesses in the SCAG region, including their industrial classification, number of employees, and several additional fields. Data have been post-processed for accuracy by SCAG staff and have an effective date of 2016. Locally-weighted regression: First, the SCAG region is overlaid with a grid, or fishnet, of 1km, 2km, and ½-km per cell. At the 1km cell size, there are 16,959 cells covering the SCAG region. Using the Spatial Join feature in ArcGIS, a sum total of business establishments and total employees (i.e., not separated by industrial classification) were joined to each grid cell. Note that since cells are of a standard size, the employment total in a cell is the equivalent of the employment density. A locally-weighted regression (LWR) procedure was developed using the R Statistical Software package in order to identify subcenters. The below procedure is described for 1km grid cells, but was repeated for 2km and 1/2km cells. 1.) Identify local maxima candidates. Using R’s lwr package, each cell’s 120 nearest neighbors, corresponding to roughly 5.5 km in each direction, was explored to identify high outliers or local maxima based on the total employment field. Cells with a z-score of above 2.58 were considered local maxima candidates. 2.) Identify local maxima. LWR can result in local maxima existing within close proximity. This step used a .dbf-format spatial weights matrix (knn=120 nearest neighbors) to identify only cells which are higher than all of their 120 nearest neighbors. At the 1km scale, 84 local maxima were found, which will form the “peak” of each individual subcenter. 3.) Search adjacent cells to include as part of each subcenter. In order to find which cells also are part of each local maximum’s subcenter, we use a queen (adjacency) contiguity matrix to search adjacent cells up to 120 nearest neighbors, adding cells if they are also greater than the average density in their neighborhood. A total of 695 cells comprise subcenters at the 1km scale. A video from Kane et al. (2018) demonstrates the above aspects of the methodology (please refer to 0:35 through 2:35 of, with the following differences: - Different years and slightly different post-processing steps for InfoUSA data - Video study covers 5-county region (Imperial county not included) - Limited to 1km scale subcenters - Due to these differences, the final map of subcenters is different. A challenge arises in that using 1km grid cells may fail to identify the correct local maximum for a particularly large employment center whose experience of high density occurs over a larger area. The process was repeated at a 2km scale, resulting in 54 “coarse scaled” subcenters. Similarly, some centers may exist with a particularly tightly-packed area of dense employment which is not detectable at the medium, 1km scale. The process was repeated again with ½-km grid cells, resulting in 95 “fine scaled” subcenters. In many instances, boundaries of fine, medium, and coarse scaled subcenters were similar, but differences existed. The final step involved qualitatively comparing results at each scale to create the final map of 69 job centers across the region. Most centers are medium scale, but some known areas of especially employment density were better captured at the 2km scale while . Giuliano and Small’s (1991) “ten jobs per acre” threshold was used as a rough guide to test for reasonableness when choosing a larger or smaller scale. For example, in some instances, a 1km scale included much additional land which reduced job density well below 10 jobs per acre. In this instance, an overlapping or nearby 1/2km scaled center provided a better reflection of the local employment peak. Ultimately, the goal was to identify areas where job density is distinct from nearby areas.
Service Item Id: a427ed1b6cdd452e87e8c47ba5bba86d
Copyright Text: SCAG
Giuliano, Genevieve, and K. A. Small. 1991. Subcenters in the Los Angeles region. Regional Science and Urban Economics 21, p. 163-182.
Kane, K., Hipp, J. R., & Kim, J. H. 2018. Los Angeles employment centers in the twenty-first century. Urban Studies 55:4, 844-869. See
Description: This is the Transit Priority Areas (TPAs) in the SCAG Region for plan year 2045, developed for the Final Connect SoCal (the 2020-2045 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS)). “Transit Priority Area,” as defined in CA Public Resources Code Section 21099(a), means an area within one-half mile of a major transit stop that is existing or planned, if the planned stop is scheduled to be completed within the planning horizon included in a Transportation Improvement Program adopted pursuant to Section 450.216 or 450.322 of Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Major transit stop, as defined in CA Public Resource Code Section 21064.3, means a site containing a rail or bus rapid transit station, a ferry terminal served by either a bus or rail transit service, or the intersection of two or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of 15 minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods.Further explanation of the methodology for identifying major transit stops is included in the Connect SoCal Transit Technical Report Appendix.Major transit stops are based on the 2045 plan year transit network of Connect SoCal. PLEASE NOTE that SCAG updates its inventory of planned major transit stops with the adoption of a new RTP/SCS, once every four years. However, transit planning studies may be completed by transit agencies on a more frequent basis than the RTP/SCS is updated by SCAG. Users should consult with the appropriate transit provider(s) to obtain the latest information on planned transit routes, stop locations, and service intervals. This data is intended for planning purposes only, and SCAG shall incur no responsibility or liability as to the completeness, currentness, or accuracy of this information. SCAG assumes no responsibility arising from use of this information by individuals, businesses, or other public entities. The information is provided with no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Service Item Id: a427ed1b6cdd452e87e8c47ba5bba86d
Copyright Text: Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
Description: This is the High Quality Transit Areas (HQTAs) in the SCAG Region for plan year 2045, developed for the Final Connect SoCal (the 2020-2045 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS)). SCAG’s HQTA is within one-half mile from a “major transit stop” and a “high-quality transit corridor” and developed based on the language in SB375 and codified in the CA Public Resources Code. The definitions of a “major transit stop” and a “high-quality transit corridor” are as follows:A. Major transit stop: A site containing an existing rail or bus rapid transit station, a ferry terminal served by either a bus or rail transit service, or the intersection of two or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of 15 minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods (CA Public Resource Code Section 21064.3). It also includes major transit stops that are included in the applicable regional transportation. B. High-quality transit corridor (HQTC): A corridor with fixed route bus service with service intervals no longer than 15 minutes during peak commute hours.Further explanation of the methodology for identifying HQTCs and major transit stops is included in the Connect SoCal Transit Technical Report Appendix.PLEASE NOTE that SCAG has made one modification to its methodology of HQTAs development to exclude the one-half mile areas around freeway-running HQTCs where there are no bus stops; the one-half mile areas around bus stops serving those freeway HQTCs remain.Major transit stops and HQTCs are based on the 2045 plan year transit network of Connect SoCal. PLEASE NOTE that SCAG updates its inventory of planned major transit stops and HQTCs with the adoption of a new RTP/SCS, once every four years. However, transit planning studies may be completed by transit agencies on a more frequent basis than the RTP/SCS is updated by SCAG. Users should consult with the appropriate transit provider(s) to obtain the latest information on planned transit routes, stop locations, and service intervals. This data is intended for planning purposes only, and SCAG shall incur no responsibility or liability as to the completeness, currentness, or accuracy of this information. SCAG assumes no responsibility arising from use of this information by individuals, businesses, or other public entities. The information is provided with no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Users should consult with the appropriate transit provider(s) to obtain the latest information on transit routes, stop locations, and service intervals before making determinations regarding CEQA exemption or streamlining.
Service Item Id: a427ed1b6cdd452e87e8c47ba5bba86d
Copyright Text: Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
Description: This is the Priority Growth Areas (PGAs) in the SCAG Region developed for Connect SoCal, the 2020-2045 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). PGAs include High Quality Transit Areas, Transit Priority Areas, Job Centers, Livable Corridors, Neighborhood Mobility Areas, Spheres of Influence (outside of constrained areas).High Quality Transit Area (HQTA): Generally a walkable transit village or corridor, consistent with the adopted Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS), and is within one half-mile of a well- serviced transit stop or a transit corridor with 15-minute or less service frequency during peak commute hours. Freeway transit corridors with no bus stops on the freeway alignment do not have a directly associated HQTA. Additional information on this definition is included in the Connect SoCal Transit Technical Report;Transit Priority Area (TPA): An area within one-half mile of a major transit stop that is existing or planned. This includes an existing rail transit station or bus rapid transit station, a ferry terminal served by bus or rail transit service, or the intersection of two or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval of 15 minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods. (Based on CA Public Resources Code Section 21099 (a)(7) and CA Public Resources Code Section 21064.3);Job Centers: Areas with significantly higher employment density than surrounding areas. Over 60 subareas are identified as having peak job density and capture locally significant job centers throughout all six counties in the region;Neighborhood Mobility Areas (NMAs): Areas with high intersection density (generally 50 intersections per square mile or more), low to moderate traffic speeds,and robust residential retail connections that can support the use of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles or active transportation modes for short trips; Livable Corridors: This arterial network is a subset of the high quality transit areas based on level of transit service and land use planning efforts, with a few additional arterials identified through corridor planning studies funded through the Sustainability Planning Grant program (currently the Sustainable Communities Program); andSpheres of Influence (outside of absolute and variable constrained areas): Existing or planned service areas and within the planning boundary outside of an agency’s legal boundary; data for these areas was accessed by SCAG from each county’s Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) in 2016.PLEASE NOTE this data is intended for planning purposes only, and SCAG shall incur no responsibility or liability as to the completeness, currentness, or accuracy of this information. SCAG assumes no responsibility arising from use of this information by individuals, businesses, or other public entities. The information is provided with no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Service Item Id: a427ed1b6cdd452e87e8c47ba5bba86d
Copyright Text: Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)