Description: Communities of Concern Data MethodologyBy Kimberly Clark , June 18, 2015Using data from the 2009-13 ACS 5 Year Estimates at the Census Designated Place level (CDP), calculate total percentage of minority population and total percentage of households in poverty for each CDPAlso using census tract data from the 2009-13 ACS 5 Year Estimates, tabulate percentage of minority population and total percentage of households in poverty for each City of Los Angeles Community Planning Area (CPAs)Intersect CPAs with Census Tracts and tabulate new totals for partial CPA/Census Tracts based on spatial interpolationSum total Poverty, households, minority, and population values for each CPAMerge CDPs and City of Los Angeles Community Planning Areas to create a single “Place” file for the entire SCAG region. Remove the City of Los Angeles CDP from layer. Tabulate % of households in poverty and % of minority population for each “Place”Using ranked sorting, select the places that are in the upper third in the SCAG region for both % of households in poverty (x > 0.169156) and% minority (x > 0.768549)Identify those places and export to new shapefile – “Communities_of_Concern”Union “Communities_of_Concern” shapefile with Tier2 TAZ file and tabulate % of each tract that falls in “Communities_of_Concern”Calculate total square meters in Tier2 TAZ shapefileUnion shapefile with “Communities_of_Concern”Tabulate new square meters in Tier 2 TAZ shapefileExport attribute table to DBFLoad DBF in excel and use pivot tables to tabulate total acreage by TAZ only for tracts that intersect with “Communities_of_Concern”. Create new DBF with results and load into ArcMapJoin new DBF with Tier2 TAZ shapefile and calculate % of TAZ that falls in “Communities_of_Concern” only for the records that join. All other TAZs remain 0%, if they do not intersect.