Description: The SCAG Regional Bikeway Shapefile (RBS) has been compiled in coordination with each of the six County Transportation Commissions (Imperial, Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura). SCAG has developed standard data fields using existing fields from each county and others identified by stakeholders and consultants. The RBS includes both existing and proposed facilities and was compiled by SCAG from shapefiles provided by each County Transportation Commission. Commissions use different strategies for compiling their files so some counties may be more up to date and contain different amounts of data than others. The data was reviewed to ensure the status and location were consistent with the 2019 base year conditions. Through the RBS, SCAG aims to provide a standard to streamline future bikeway data collection throughout the region. Each bikeway is described and classified based on definitions established by the California Highway Design Manual and SCAG.
Service Item Id: b02d5aec90414943a73c9815f9fbe4aa
Copyright Text: Southern California Association of Governments