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Legend (ATDB/ATDB_Transportation)

Existing Bikeways by Class (1)
Class 1 - Bike/Multiuse Path Class 1 - Bike/Multiuse Path
Class 2 - Bike Lane Class 2 - Bike Lane
Class 3 - Bike Route Class 3 - Bike Route
Class 4 - Separated Bikeway Class 4 - Separated Bikeway
Proposed Bikeways by Class (2)
Class 1 - Bike/Multiuse Path Class 1 - Bike/Multiuse Path
Class 2 - Bike Lane Class 2 - Bike Lane
Class 3 - Bike Route Class 3 - Bike Route
Class 4 - Separated Bikeway Class 4 - Separated Bikeway
Bus Stops (4)
Bus Routes by Service (5)
Express Express
Limited Stops Limited Stops
Local Local
Rapid Rapid
Other Other
Metro Rail Lines (6)
MetroLink (7)
Bicycle Involved Collisions (2012-2014) by Severity (9)
Fatality Fatality
Injury (Severe) Injury (Severe)
Injury (Other, Visible) Injury (Other, Visible)
Injury (Complaint of Pain) Injury (Complaint of Pain)
Pedestrian Involved Collisions (2012-2014) by Severity (10)
Fatality Fatality
Injury (Severe) Injury (Severe)
Injury (Other, Visible) Injury (Other, Visible)
Injury (Complaint of Pain) Injury (Complaint of Pain)
High Quality Transit Areas (HQTA) (11)
Non-Automobile (Walk, Bicycle, and/or Public Transit) (13)
0% - 7% 0% - 7%
8% - 17% 8% - 17%
18% - 35% 18% - 35%
36% - 82% 36% - 82%
Walk (14)
0% - 3% 0% - 3%
4% - 10% 4% - 10%
11% - 30% 11% - 30%
31% - 100% 31% - 100%
Bicycle (15)
0% - 1% 0% - 1%
2% - 4% 2% - 4%
5% - 12% 5% - 12%
13% - 33% 13% - 33%
Public Transit (Not Including Taxi/Ride Share) (16)
0% - 5% 0% - 5%
6% - 14% 6% - 14%
15% - 31% 15% - 31%
32% - 74% 32% - 74%
Other (Motorcycle, Taxi, or Other Mode) (17)
0% - 1% 0% - 1%
2% - 4% 2% - 4%
5% - 9% 5% - 9%
10% - 30% 10% - 30%
Automobile (Car, Truck, or Van) (18)
0% - 34% 0% - 34%
35% - 69% 35% - 69%
70% - 85% 70% - 85%
86% - 100% 86% - 100%
Automobile - Alone (19)
0% - 35% 0% - 35%
36% - 65% 36% - 65%
66% - 77% 66% - 77%
78% - 100% 78% - 100%
Automobile - Carpool (20)
0% - 7% 0% - 7%
8% - 12% 8% - 12%
13% - 18% 13% - 18%
19% - 60% 19% - 60%
Automobile Access (21)
0%/No Data 0%/No Data
1% - 50% 1% - 50%
51% - 85% 51% - 85%
86% - 100% 86% - 100%
Traffic Density (22)
0/No Data 0/No Data
1 - 500 1 - 500
501 - 1,000 501 - 1,000
1,001 - 2,000 1,001 - 2,000
2,001+ 2,001+