Name: 2016 Median Household Income (MHI) in Dollars ($) (DAC≤80% ($51,026))
Display Field: Cnty_Name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The SCAG_ATDB_Demographics shapefile contains Census tract level population, race, employment, English speaking, income, and elderly data of the SCAG region. Race data includes the percentage of population that is white, black, Asian, Latino, Pacific Islander, Native American, multiple races, or other. Population data includes 2010 population 2015 population, and population density. Employment data includes 2015 employment, unemployment, and employment density. English speaking data includes the percentage of the population that speaks English well. This shapefile also includes median household income and percentage of the population that is 65 years or older. This data was sourced mostly from Census data as well as the Healthy Places Index (HPI). Original data sources are listed in the relevant fields.
Service Item Id: 5fad6573c462417797318f5f7bd1e5f2
Copyright Text: SCAG, US Census, Healthy Places Index (HPI)
Name: CalEnviroScreen 3.0 Scores by Censes Tract (DAC≥39.34)
Display Field: Percentile_Range
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), on behalf of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA), announces the availability of the Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool: CalEnviroScreen Version 3.0 (CalEnviroScreen 3.0). CalEnviroScreen is a screening methodology that can be used to help identify California communities that are disproportionately burdened by multiple sources of pollution. The 3.0 report and supporting documents are available at:
Name: 2017-18 Public School Percentage (%) of Students Enrolled Eligible for Free and Reduced Priced Meals (FRPM) (DAC≥75%)
Display Field: CDSCode
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: Public school point data in the SCAG region. Includes information about enrollment by age, school type, and 2017-2018 academic year free and reduced priced meals (FRPM) eligibility.
Description: Communities of Concern Data MethodologyBy Kimberly Clark , June 18, 2015 using data from the 2009-13 ACS 5 Year Estimates at the Census Designated Place level (CDP), calculate total percentage of minority population and total percentage of households in poverty for each CDPAlso using census tract data from the 2009-13 ACS 5 Year Estimates, tabulate percentage of minority population and total percentage of households in poverty for each City of Los Angeles Community Planning Area (CPAs)Intersect CPAs with Census Tracts and tabulate new totals for partial CPA/Census Tracts based on spatial interpolationSum total Poverty, households, minority, and population values for each CPAMerge CDPs and City of Los Angeles Community Planning Areas to create a single “Place” file for the entire SCAG region. Remove the City of Los Angeles CDP from layer. Tabulate % of households in poverty and % of minority population for each “Place”Using ranked sorting, select the places that are in the upper third in the SCAG region for both % of households in poverty (x > 0.169156) and% minority (x > 0.768549)Identify those places and export to new shapefile – “Communities_of_Concern”Union “Communities_of_Concern” shapefile with Tier2 TAZ file and tabulate % of each tract that falls in “Communities_of_Concern”Calculate total square meters in Tier2 TAZ shapefileUnion shapefile with “Communities_of_Concern”Tabulate new square meters in Tier 2 TAZ shapefileExport attribute table to DBFLoad DBF in excel and use pivot tables to tabulate total acreage by TAZ only for tracts that intersect with “Communities_of_Concern”. Create new DBF with results and load into ArcMapJoin new DBF with Tier2 TAZ shapefile and calculate % of TAZ that falls in “Communities_of_Concern” only for the records that join. All other TAZs remain 0%, if they do not intersect.
Description: The Environmental Justice areas were created used baseyear 2012 Tier 2 (T2) TAZs. EJ Area TAZs were identified if they had a higher concentration of minority populatoin or households in poverty than is seen in the greater SCAG region. .
Name: Healthy Places Index (HPI) Total Percentile Ranking (0(Least)-100(Most)Advantaged)
Display Field: City_Name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The SCAG_ATDB_Healthy shapefile contains Census tract level food access, retail density, park access, tree canopy coverage, and Healthy Places Index (HPI) score data of the SCAG region. Food access data for 2015 (data source: USDA FARA 2017) includes the percentage of the urban population residing less than 1/2 mile from a supermarket/large grocery store, or the percentage of the rural population living less than 1 mile from a supermarket/large grocery store. Retail density data (data source: EPA Smart Location Database 2010) includes the gross retail, entertainment, and education employment density (jobs/acre) on unprotected land. Park access data (data source: HCI/CalLands Database 2010) includes the percentage of population living within a half-mile of a park, open space, or beach. Tree canopy coverage data (data source: HCI/National Land Cover Database 2011) includes population-weighted percentage of census tract area with tree canopy coverage. The HPI score (version: December 2017) is composed of diverse non-medical economic, social, political and environmental factors that influence physical and cognitive function, behavior and disease. These factors are often called health determinants or social determinants of health and form the root causes of health advantage. Indicator data used for HPI comes from publicly available sources and is produced at a census tract level. The HPI score was derived from 8 domain scores, 25 Individual indicators + race/ethnicity percent (8057 CTs). HPI materials will be made freely available online for use by communities and public and private agencies. More info at:
Service Item Id: 5fad6573c462417797318f5f7bd1e5f2
Copyright Text: US Census, Healthy Places Index (HPI)