{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "AnnualLandUse19_HousingApp2_NAD83", "guid": "64AD3F8E-4978-400E-B48D-6CD8794A84D5", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "SCAG has developed and maintained its regional geospatial dataset of land use information at parcel-level\u2014approximately five million parcels in the SCAG Region. The parcel-based land use dataset is developed (1) to aid in SCAG\u2019s regional transportation planning, scenario planning and growth forecasting, (2) facilitate policy discussion on various planning issues, and (3) enhance information database to better serve SCAG member jurisdictions, research institutes, universities, developers, general public, etc. After the successful release of SCAG\u2019s 2016 regional land use dataset for the development of the Connect SoCal (the 2020 RTP/SCS), SCAG has initiated a process to annually update its regional land use information at the parcel-level (the Annual Land Use Update). For the Annual Land Use Update process, SCAG collected county assessor\u2019s tax roll records (including parcel polygons and property information) from county assessor\u2019s offices, plus other reference layers including California Protected Areas Database (CPAD), California School Campus Database (CSCD), Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP)'s Important Farmland, U.S. Department of Defense's Military Installations, Ranges, and Training Areas (MIRTA) as well as SCAG's regional geospatial datasets, such as 2016 existing land use, airport polygons and water body polygons.\n\nNote: This dataset is intended for planning purposes only, and SCAG shall incur no responsibility or liability as to the completeness, currentness, or accuracy of this information. SCAG assumes no responsibility arising from use of this information by individuals, businesses, or other public entities. The information is provided with no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Users should consult with each local jurisdiction directly to obtain the official land use information.", "description": "
This is SCAG's 2019 Annual Land Use <\/SPAN>(ALU v. 2019.1) <\/SPAN>at the parcel-level, updated as of <\/SPAN>February 2021<\/SPAN>. This dataset has been modified to include additional attributes in order to feed SCAG's Housing Element Parcel Tool (HELPR), version 2.0. The dataset will be further reviewed and updated as additional information is released. Please refer to the tables below for data dictionary and SCAG\u2019s land use classification. <\/SPAN><\/P> <\/P>